雅思口语真题及回答范文分享 雅思剑9口语真题的有效利用

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雅思口语真题及回答范文分享 雅思剑9口语真题的有效利用

2023-04-25 03:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语真题及回答范文分享 雅思剑9口语真题的有效利用,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。


Describe a journey you would like to go on by car, motorbike or bike.

You should say:

where you would like to go;

how you would like to go there;

who you would like to go with;

and explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.



Well, I would like to go Las Vegas. The city is around 125 kilometres away from my town, Bullhead City in Arizona. So if I could go there, I think by car is a second-to-none choice. Las Vega is mostly famous for the colourful nightlife. This is a resort town located in the Mojave Desert in Nevada. The town has some specialties and during the night times, it looks best. The entire city is well decorated and illuminated. The most amazing feature of the city is the musical fountain. It is synchronised with music. Besides, the Strip is also another attractive issue at the town. The replicas like Eiffel Tower; Egyptian Pyramids etc. are also some adorable things here.

I am a student at Everest College and having an undergrad course in economics. I have a group of six members in the college. We love to be together always like having a group study, moving for a theatre, joining at any ceremony and more. Sometimes we make some short trips in some less distant areas. Now we are planning to have a trip in Las Vegas. Though I went there for several times with my dad to meet my uncle who owns a *all pub there, I did not have the chance to move on my own. Dad always was with me lest I get into any bar or pub and have a drink. In fact, my parents are conservative in some aspects.

I would like to go there by car because it is a long journey. Las Vegas is around 125 kilometres away from my home. Moving such a distance alone is not preferable for me. Go there with your good friends will be much better. If I become a victim of an accident, there is none to look after me on the highway to Vegas. Even there are some risks to move alone in the city until you are matured enough to protect yourself from any sudden invasion. Considering all the issues, I have decided to make the trip with my friends. Moreover, it would be great fun for us. A wonderful sightseeing journey! All of us have visited the town but we lack the experience to stay at night there. So, I am going there on the car that will be driven by David.

Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.

You should say:

when and where it was;

why you were not allowed to use your phone;

what you wanted to use your phone for;

and explain how you felt about not being able to use your phone.



Last Monday, I went to visit a famous grand museum that is located in the center of the city. The administrator said that we are not allowed to use our mobile phones and cameras during the visit because taking photographs of exhibitions are not allowed. I obeyed the rules, handed in my mobile phone and other personal stuff and enjoyed the visit. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I didn’t tell my mom that I would be late for home and I took the only keys of my home. She possibly couldn’t get into the rooms if she came home earlier than me. Then I couldn’t focus on my visit. I wanted to use my mobile phone to call her. But the workers in the museum told me that they could only return our mobile phones after the visit is over, otherwise they will shoulder the responsibility of any loss of visitors’ stuff. I was worried and restless all the time during the following visit.

This is the first time that I wanted to use my phone so much. I felt a great sense of unease and danger if I lost the contacts by mobile phones. The most key point is we are in the era of science and technology. Mobile phones have become the most common product that most people have access to. It has become a normal habit that whenever you wanna use it, you can use it. If you can’t, it seems that you’re deprived of some basic need. We often say that we rely too much on our electronic devices, but I have to say they are really helpful in all sorts of emergencies.

雅思剑9口语真题的有效利用 雅思剑9在大家的期待下已经粉墨登场。很多“烤鸭” 关注剑9口语话题在接下来考试中是否会出现?剑桥雅思真题口语部分是不是都是已经淘汰的题目?结合剑4到剑9口语真题及2021年1、2月雅思考试情况,新东方在线雅思教研老师第一时间对剑桥雅思些列真题的口语部分的利用价值进行了深度剖析。 一、剑4到剑9雅思口语话题汇总话题来源Part 1Part 2Part 2所属分类剑9 Test1Games An open-air or street marketwhich you enjoyed visiting地点类剑9 Test2Giving gifts A person who has done a lot ofwork to help people人物类剑9 Test3Telephoning A journey that you rememberwell事件经历类剑9 Test4BicyclesSomething you did that was new orexciting事件经历类剑8 Test1NeighborsA Time When You Were Asked to Give YourOpinion in a Questionnaire or Survey事件经历类剑8 Test2Newspaper and MagazinesA Restaurant That You Enjoyed going to地点类剑8 Test3FlowersA Meeting You Remember going to at Work,College or School事件经历类剑8 Test4TelevisionA Friend of Your Family You Remember fromYour Childhood人物类剑7 Test1Keeping in contact with peopleA party that you enjoyed事件经历类剑7 Test2LaughingAn idea you had for improving something at work or college事件经历类剑7 Test3Cold weatherA competition (e.g. TV, college/work or sportscompetition) that you took part in.事件经历类剑7 Test4Travelling to work or collegeA piece of electronic equipment that you find useful物品类剑6 Test1DancingSomeone in your family who you like人物类剑6 Test2Musical instrumentsSomething healthy you enjoy doing事件经历类剑6 Test3Traffic where you liveA game or sport you enjoyplaying物品类剑6 Test4Your friendsAn important choice you had tomake in your life事件经历类剑5 Test1Your countryAwell-known person you like or admire人物类剑5 Test2ColourA song or a piece of music you like物品类剑5 Test3EntertainmentOne of your friends人物类剑5Test4ClothesA festival that is important in yourcountry物品类剑4 Test1FriendsAn interesting historic place.地点类剑4 Test2Food and cookingAn interest or hobby that youenjoy物品类剑4 Test3LeisureA river, lake or sea which you like地点类剑4 Test4Your favourite placeA useful website you have visited物品类 二、雅思剑4-剑9真题系列口语利用价值深度剖析 1、剑9 part one中Games、gifts的话题均出现在2021年1月及2月当第二部分话题卡中:分别变换为A game you liked in yourchildhood(notsports game);A giftyou recently received (o r sent). Part two部分的A personwho has done a lot of work to help people变化为A situation you ever helped someone.这几个话题在2021年前几场考试中均以较高频次出现。 2、剑8中雅思口语part one部分的话题neighbors、flower等话题在2021年及2021年1月、2月均考到,只是neighbor的话题在近期考试中出现在第二部分话题卡部分。 3、剑7中的weather、A piece of electronic equipment等话题在2021年1月及2月出现,特别是A piece of electronic equipment这个话题在2021的几场考试中均出现,只是题目加了限制,不能是computer. 4、剑6 part one中的Dancing,Musical instruments,Traffic这三个话题在2021年级2021年1月和2月也均在part one简答题中出现。Part two中的A game orsport you enjoy playing变换为A gameyou liked in your childhood(notsports game)和A sportsgame/event you played/watched on TV,在近期考试中也反复出现。 5、剑5part one中Colour,Clothes的话题在2021年也多次考到,color的话题在13年仍然有涉及。Part two中的A songor a piece of music you like、A festival that is important inyour country话题变换为A meaningful song和An important traditional event in your country,在2021年9-12月及2021年1-2月均多次考到。 6、剑4 part one中的Leisure话题在2021年1-2月中也多次考到,part two中的A river, lake or sea which you like在2021年9-12月多次考到,13年前几场考试中也有涉及。A useful website you have visited在2021年1月旧题回归,重新回到雅思口语话题库中。 由此可见,剑桥雅思系列真题中的口语话题并不是大家认为的那样已经从题库中淘汰,不再考。剑4到剑9系列的雅思口语话题还是有一定的实战意义,只是有些话题会由part one变到part two或是话题适当变换。(本文为新东方在线专供无忧雅思网稿件,转载须注明作者和出处无忧雅思网)






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